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What is the Right Age for BOTOX in Cool Springs?

What is the Right Age for BOTOX?

Most people want to maintain their youthful appearance, but without undergoing surgery. BOTOX® is a non-surgical option in Cool Springs that reduces or removes the appearance of dynamic wrinkles, or wrinkles that develop as a result of making facial expressions. Some people get these injections younger than others, so you may wonder if you are too young or old for the treatment.

When to Start BOTOX®

The average client is between 30 and 40, but as long as you are over the age of 18, you may qualify for the injections. The best time to get the injections is when your skin starts showing the signs of aging, which commonly don‘t show up until the late 20s. However, it all depends on the unique case. Various factors can influence the speed of dynamic wrinkles forming such as lifestyle, genetics, and more.

How Preventive BOTOX® Works

BOTOX® relaxes the facial muscles through an injection that contains a purified protein solution. The injections work by going under the surface of the skin to block neurotransmitters, which ultimately relaxes the muscles. Since these wrinkles occur from repetitive facial movements, it can help stop them from forming in the first place.

The forehead is a common treatment area, but preventative treatment in other areas can prevent other types of dynamic wrinkles from forming. Early treatment in Cool Springs also helps prevent needing additional anti-aging treatments when you get older.

What BOTOX® Doesn’t Treat

No matter what age you get the injections, it doesn’t treat everything. The injections won’t remove wrinkles caused by aging from the sun, or static wrinkles, the lines that you notice all the time. Static wrinkles caused by sun damage and the natural aging process can often be treated via other means like dermal fillers.

Other Considerations

Age isn’t the only factor to consider when getting BOTOX® injections in Cool Springs. Though it isn’t surgery, our professional will evaluate you to ensure you don’t have conditions that can impact the results. You still need to be in good health and not pregnant or breastfeeding.

The bottom line is there is no one-size-fits-all “right” age to receive BOTOX® injections. During a consultation at Franklin Skin and Laser in Franklin, our expert can determine if you qualify for the treatment. If you live in the Cool Springs area, feel free to contact us today to schedule an appointment and get started. We look forward to hearing from you!

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Experience the artistry of aesthetic innovation at Franklin Skin and Laser. Our team of skilled professionals is dedicated to helping you unlock your true beauty and embrace your confidence like never before. Whether you seek flawless skin, sculpted contours, or the removal of unwanted tattoos, we are here to exceed your expectations. Take the first step today and schedule a consultation with our experts. Let us craft a personalized plan tailored to your unique needs, so you can embark on a path to radiance. Contact us now to rewrite your beauty story with Franklin Skin and Laser.