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What Are Spider Veins?

What Are Spider Veins?

Do you have thin, web-like veins that are blue or red in color growing on your thighs, face, or other areas of your body? These unsightly patches of interwoven veins are referred to as spider veins. They can be a frustrating aesthetic issue and are difficult to cover up or treat on your own.

Surgeon Dr. Steven Bengelsdorf can eliminate unsightly spider veins through sclerotherapy. The treatment involves the injection of a special solution into the veins. This solution irritates the inner wall of the vein and forces it to collapse, closing off the vein from the blood supply. With additional treatments, the vein will be completely gone and should leave no noticeable marks.

Contact us to schedule a consultation with Dr. Bengelsdorf for your sclerotherapy treatment and restore your confidence in your appearance.

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Experience the artistry of aesthetic innovation at Franklin Skin and Laser. Our team of skilled professionals is dedicated to helping you unlock your true beauty and embrace your confidence like never before. Whether you seek flawless skin, sculpted contours, or the removal of unwanted tattoos, we are here to exceed your expectations. Take the first step today and schedule a consultation with our experts. Let us craft a personalized plan tailored to your unique needs, so you can embark on a path to radiance. Contact us now to rewrite your beauty story with Franklin Skin and Laser.